
Viscosupplementation is when lubricating fluid (hyaluronic acid) is injected into a joint. It’s often used to treat symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.

WHO SHOULD CONSIDER viscosupplementation?

Viscosupplementation can be a good option when other arthritis treatments, such as pain medications and corticosteroid injections, haven’t provided sufficient relief from symptoms. Viscosupplementation can help reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling.

what is the procedure like?

This procedure is often done in a normal office visit. Dr. Joyal will clean the area, and inject a local anesthetic so you don’t feel discomfort during treatment. If you have excess fluid in the joint, Dr. Joyal may remove some of the fluid before performing the injection.

After care

It is recommended that most patients avoid strenuous activity, standing for long periods of time, jogging, and similar activities for a couple of days after the procedure.

Get back to living

Live life more freely, and reduce your reliance on medication.

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