Your Visit
Whether visiting Advanced Spine and Pain for an initial evaluation or a procedure, it is important that you are prepared. This ensures that our providers and staff can efficiently, effectively, and safely provide you with the most comprehensive care.
Arrive 30 minutes early
Bring a complete medication list, including dosage
Bring imaging or have imaging transferred in advance
Have procedure history (i.e. injections, ablations, implants, etc.) transferred in advance
Provide proof of insurance, photo ID, and payment (due at time of service)
Please note, no opioids will be prescribed at an initial encounter, and any patient receiving Schedule II narcotics must be seen at the clinic on a routine basis.
Wear loose clothing
Remove any jewelry or metal in the area being treated
Advise clinic staff of BLOOD THINNER or ANTIBIOTIC use
Arrange for transportation from a responsible driver
Avoid driving for 24 hours following most procedures
Fast from solids and liquids for 8 hours prior to appointment time
Clear liquids (water, juices without pulp, and black coffee) can be consumed up until four hours before appointment time
Most procedures require prior authorization for insurance approval. Authorization is initiated following initial evaluation.
Get back to living.
Live life more freely, and reduce your reliance on medication.